Usuwanie wilgoci

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Usuwanie wilgoci

Skuteczne usuwanie wilgoci z budynków

W ostatnim 10-leciu proces budowania nowych budynków przebiega w coraz szybszym tempie. W materiałach budowlanych tj.  tynkach, szpachlach, wylewkach zawarta jest woda, która nie ma możliwości samoistnego wyschnięcia, aby dotrzymać terminów budowy. Szybkie tempo budowy I warunki klimatyczne dogłębnie uniemożliwiają wyschnięcie materiału budowlanego co wpływa na gromadzenie się tzn. wilgoci technologicznej.

Wilgoć technologiczna – proces usunięcia

Wiele lat temu nowe osiedla czy domy były budowane z zachowaniem odstępu czasowego co miało bardzo duży wpływ na odparowanie wody z materiałów murowych. Wilgoć technologiczna samoistnie nie zniknie w terminach jakie obecnie są bardzo krótkie. Wietrzenie i podgrzewanie pomieszczeń niestety nie pomoże usunąć w całości wilgoci technologicznej. Do procesu usunięcia wilgoci technologicznej niezbędny jest specjalistyczny sprzęt osuszający pomieszczenia tj. osuszacze i wentylatory. Ta technologia jest z powodzeniem stosowana na zachodzie do tego stopnia, że planuję się ją już w etapie projektowania. Nie usunięta wilgoć spowoduje pojawienie się grzybów i pleśni w Twoim nowym wymarzonym mieszkaniu.

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11:44 29 Apr 22
Faultless customer service! Exemplary professional approach. First-class client communication throughout. Top quality... companies! Highly recommended!After our flat was flooded with hot water due to the faulty radiator during our absence we were left in shock. The company’s Drying Team were very helpful, knowledgeable and supportive. Their professional, calm and friendly attitude was invaluable in this difficult situation.The costing of the damage was assessed without delay. Highly professional equipment ensured that the drying process was carried out quickly, efficiently and safely. The team took great care to work with minimal disruption.We were kept informed throughout and had all our questions answered.We also greatly appreciated the very helpful advice on further steps we might wish to consider.Fantastic team! Great service!>>>Exemplary and reliable customer service! First-class communication from the start to the end of the service. Extremely professional approach! I heartily recommend this company !!After flooding the apartment with hot water from the damaged radiator during our absence, we were in a great shock. A very professional, balanced and calm approach by the men from the company was extremely helpful.The destruction was assessed without delay. Very professional and modern equipment ensured that drying was carried out quickly, efficiently and safely. The gentlemen informed us step by step about the process and answered all our questions.Moreover, we appreciated any very helpful comments and additional explanations on the procedure and further steps.Thank you very much for such a well-done service. Great company!czytaj więcej
13:27 21 Mar 22
I would like to thank you very much - you are specialists in the field of dehumidification. A reliable and trustworthy... company (I greet especially Mr. Krzysztof). Professionalism, punctuality and, above all, knowledge of what the result is a dry place. Thank you !czytaj więcej
Aneta Marciszewska
Aneta Marciszewska
18:50 26 Jan 22
Reaction and implementation "on the spot". It took 20 minutes to remove the fungus in the bathroom. The effect is like... after repainting - no traces of fungus and a clean white wall. After 2 hours it was possible to use the bathroom normally. Gentlemen, nice and specific. They also checked the ventilation and advised on how not to have a repeat of the entertainment. And I thought that I was looking for a foreman and a burdensome renovation ...czytaj więcej
Geoff Barham
Geoff Barham
07:01 22 Jan 22
I called the company out to resolve an ongoing problem. They were really friendly, communicative helpful and honest. My... issue was resolved immediately. I wish all contractors were like this!czytaj więcej
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